Orlando Family Attorney

We’ve Helped Hundreds of Clients Successfully Navigate the Maze of Divorce and Family Law.

Helping Orlando Families Deal with Difficult Family Law Issues

The Spence Law Firm is a full-service, experienced family law firm in Orlando committed to fighting for you and your family. With over 21 years of experience practicing law in central Florida, we can provide the guidance necessary to protect your rights and get your life back on track.

We understand that family law matters are some of the most complicated yet sensitive legal issues that most people or families will ever face.  Our Orlando family law lawyers know that our cases typically involve the most important factors in life: the emotional well-being, physical well-being, and financial health of you and your family are at stake.  You need a law firm that is experienced in family law and that you can trust.

Offering Assistance for All Areas of Domestic Relations Law

Whether you’re dealing with a difficult, high-conflict custody dispute or engaged in a delicate negotiation in a paternity case, our family attorneys have the skills and experience to get your situation resolved. We offer sound legal guidance and support in all areas of family law so that we can help make sure any future decisions align with what is best for you and your loved ones.

At the Spence Law Firm, we offer family law expertise in all areas of domestic relations, including alimony modification, custody and visitation,  paternity cases, contempt matters, child support modifications, child custody or time-sharing issues, relocation issues, post-judgment issues, injunctions, nuptial agreements, modifications of orders, guardianship and all other areas of family law.  No matter what area of family law your case is in, our attorneys will help provide the guidance, insight, and support you need. We’re equipped and experienced to handle them all.

If you need help with a family law matter in Orlando or Orange County, Florida, The Spence Law Firm would be honored to put its experience to work for you.  Our team of attorneys and staff are knowledgeable and skilled and they care about you and your family.

We Understand How Family Law Impacts Your Life

Our attorneys understand how family law matters affect all areas of your life and your family’s life.  We are ready and able to handle all types of issues that you may face.  In addition to our in-house talent, we also have long-standing relationships with other professionals that will help your case including forensic accountants, wills and estates experts, real estate appraisers, corporate and securities law, and many more.

Consult With An Experienced Family Law Lawyer

Contact us today.  You deserve to move on with your life. Let us handle your case and make sure everything is in order for a positive outcome for you and your family that will help you get back what’s rightfully yours – freedom!  Our attorneys are ready to help so call us to schedule your free case evaluation.  You can also send us a message using our online contact form.  We are happy to help and answer any questions you have.

A Typical Family Case

Here’s where you can learn about the many steps and processes involved in a typical family law case.  There are many rules and procedures that must always be followed so we explain everything you may encounter during your case.  We walk you through the whole process from the initial meeting with your lawyer, to document preparation and all the steps we take to reach a successful outcome for you and your family.

Child Custody Law

In Florida, child custody law revolves around what’s in the “best interest of the child” – not the parents’ best interests.  Every judge must consider a long list of legal factors in making their decision.  The court is required to examine each of the twenty-one statutory factors in each custody decision.  You need a high-quality family lawyer to help develop and prepare your child custody case.

Enforcement of Judgments

Sometimes your spouse or ex will not follow the court’s final judgment. Not paying child support or alimony, or failing to turn over property are typical violations. The contempt and enforcement lawyers at the Spence Law Firm can help.  All final orders and judgments made by courts must be followed- otherwise, the non-compliant party can face consequences such as jail time, fines, and payment of your attorney’s fees.

Modification of Judgments

The Spence Law Firm has the expertise to assist with any questions about how to modify post-judgment obligations.  Because needs and the ability to meet them may change after a final judgment is signed, a parent or former spouse can always ask the family court to increase or decrease the amount of alimony or child support or change the terms of child custody or even the visitation arrangements.  If you have questions about your family law case contact an experienced Orlando modification lawyer at The Spence Law Firm.

Paternity Law

When the parents are not married when their child is born, the mother is the natural guardian and the father has no legally enforceable rights regarding the child.  Florida law requires courts to treat Fathers equally to Mothers when making decisions related to their children, with the best interest of the child being the primary consideration. We help paternity clients understand their rights and options.  Both parents have a duty to support their children, and both parents have the right to be active participants in the lives of their kids.

Relocation With Children

When a couple gets divorced, they can typically move out of the area without any strings attached.   But if there are minor children involved then things get more complicated.   When one parent moves with the child and the other stays behind in their current location (or vice versa), then that will affect how often the non-relocating parent will see their child and could change the dynamics of the relationship.  On the other hand, there are good reasons why one parent may want to move, so it’s important to consult with a lawyer who is skilled in handling your relocation with children case.


(407) 420-7010

Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun


320 N Magnolia Ave STE A-4

Orlando, FL 32801

The Spence Law Firm

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